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Leaving Certificate


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Music at Drimnagh Castle CBS

  • Music theory
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Developing listening and analytical skills
  • Exploring different genres of music
Drimnagh Castle CBS offers Music as a subject for Junior and Leaving Certificate. The Syllabus is offered at Higher and Ordinary Levels for both Certificates. The Music Department also offers Music Appreciation in the Transition Year Programme.
Music at Drimnagh Castle CBS aims to engage students in an experience which both relates to them and also expands their horizons by exploring new areas. This is accomplished through the study of:

Music for Junior Certificate

The Junior Certificate enables all students to develop musical skills suited to their age, ability and experience. There is a focus on the variety of musical skills. Performing, composing and listening are core elements of the course. There is a clear focus on the different skills from First Year. The approach adopted at Drimnagh Castle CBS presents students with a musical experience in terms of study, culture, skills, career opportunities and most importantly an enjoyment and enrichment of life.

Transition Year

The TY Programme offers an opportunity for Junior Certificate Students to further develop their musical abilities while those new to the subject are given an introductory course. Students continue to explore listening, composing and practical music skills. There is also an opportunity for students to learn the guitar in a year long course.

Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate permits students to develop the skills they have acquired in Junior Certificate while balancing the areas of theory, practical and listening. Students at Drimnagh Castle can opt for the 50% Practical which supports their playing ability while also developing the exciting area of music technology. The 50% Practical Option also allows students to be examined in areas of practical ability where they have spent a great deal of time and hard work in preparation. The areas for practical chosen by the students reveal much of their own personal preferences in music – piano, classical guitar, acoustic & electric guitar, flute, oboe, mandolin, drums or singing.

At Leaving Certificate students develop their theoretical skills in harmony and melody composition. These questions present a challenge for students who are used to composing a four bar melody in Junior Certificate while enhancing their skills by linking the study of theory to the set works of the great composers. This is accomplished through the study of a Course A: Works by Bach, Tchaikovsky, Barry and Queen OR Course B: Works by Berlioz, Mozart, The Beatles and Deane. This is further enhanced by further development of students’ aural skills in the study of instrumental and composition techniques.

Music Experience

Many students who study music at Drimnagh Castle CBS have developed their instrumental experience by playing with a variety of performing bands. These include the Dublin Youth Orchestra, the Crumlin Youth Band, Royal Irish Academy of Music, St James’ Band and Na Píobairí Uilleann. The students’ practical experience enriches musical appreciation for students who are new to the subject providing inspiration and guidance.

Performing Opportunities

There are many opportunities at Drimnagh Castle for students to develop their practical skill. There is a traditional Irish Music Group called Caisleán which students can join. Instruments played include flute, violin, tin whistle, guitar, mandolin, bodhrán and uilleann pipes. Students provide music regularly throughout the school year taking part in Seachtain na nGaeilge, Christmas Carol Service, Talent Show, Leaving Certificate & Transition Year Graduation and the Junior and Leaving Certificate Practical Examinations.

Moving On to 3rd Level Education

Completing the Leaving Certificate Music Course offers many opportunities at Third Level from sound production, performing arts, music technology and compositional development. A number of past pupils who have successfully completed music at Leaving Certificate have gone on to study music in different areas like Music Management & Production or BA in Music/BMusEd at NUI Maynooth, TCD, Sound Engineering at DIT and Ballyfermot College of Further Education.